After a mishap with what should have been my first appointment with a gynae, and struggling to get an appointment with a gynae at my selected hospital, I took a step back and asked myself what it is that I’ve always wanted when it came to birth and a home water birth was the answer (being a FTM I somehow got a little lost in the process; not knowing where to start or what to do). After confirming to myself that I wanted a home water birth, I started searching for providers close to me and happened upon Midwife by Nature’s website and found reassurance in all the testimonials I read and messaged Crystal the same evening and she responded the same night and gave me a recommendation for a sonographer to do my first scan with (whom I might add, was able to see me the next day and whom I used throughout my pregnancy).
My husband and I met with Crystal at her facility around 12 weeks and had the opportunity to meet Jeremy, her husband and business partner as well. My husband and I felt at ease after our first session with Crystal and knew that Midwife by Nature was the perfect fit for us.
Crystal and Jeremy are really open and forthcoming; Crystal never forced anything on us, but always gave us the pros and cons of everything and left it up to us to decide after doing our own due diligence and I trusted her to have our best interests at heart.
I felt reassured at every antenatal visit and even when my “backup gynae” at our selected hospital disappointed me at 36 weeks by telling me he will no longer be available to back me up if it so happened that I needed to be transferred to hospital, Crystal calmed me with her reassurances and helped me to stay optimistic and focused on what I wanted and to think positive thoughts.
On the day my contractions started everything was so calm; Crystal arrived when I was in active labour and she had everything ready and set up and with the assistance of my doula they supported me through labour and just allowed me to listen to my body and continually assured me that I am capable of birthing my baby.
Crystal was in control and handled everything like the professional she is; when my baby girl arrived earth side Crystal checked that everything was fine with both of us and together, with my doula, helped me in those most vulnerable hours after birth and never made me feel any shame (I could literally bare myself without worrying about being judged).
Our post-natal visits went smoothly as well and Crystal would answer any and every silly little question my husband or I had.
Thanks to Crystal and the pool of professionals she recommended, our baby girl was born healthy and is such a strong baby; and I could have my un-medicated, natural, home water birth.
I would recommend Midwife by Nature to anyone wanting to experience a physiological birth and who wants a team who will support you every step of the way.